This is what happens if a man lacks testosterone which must be wary of

Testosterone is a very important hormone for a man. This hormone is produced in the testes, this hormone has a great influence on a man from appearance, sperm production, and sex drive to sexual

development. As (28/9/2019), reports from The Health Site page, if a man lacks this hormone, it not only affects his sexual life but also affects other aspects of life and here are some problems that often arise due to low testosterone, including Emotional Low testosterone can cause emotional upheaval in men. It can make a person easily depressed. In addition, they will also experience a decrease in self-confidence and motivation in life. 

Memory decreases A study published in the Journal of the American Medical Association said that men who were given testosterone supplements had a better memory than men with low levels of the hormone. Sleep Disorder Low testosterone levels can cause insomnia as well as other changes in your sleep patterns. 

Testosterone replacement therapy can cause sleep apnea. This can disrupt your sleep patterns and increase your risk of stroke and heart disease. On the other hand, sleep apnea can cause changes in the body and it can lead to low testosterone levels. 

anaemia Low testosterone can increase the risk of anaemia. So often have problems with difficulty in concentration, dizziness, leg cramps, sleep disturbances and a fast heart rate. Less muscle The hormone testosterone is responsible for muscle mass, body hair, and overall masculinity. 

Low testosterone levels can increase body fat, make bones and muscles weak and cause hot flashes. In addition, it can cause hair loss, swelling and tenderness of the breast tissue, increased fatigue and can even affect cholesterol levels. 

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